Haneda Airport

Tragedy at Haneda Airport: 5 Dead, Evacuations After Collision; Urgent Investigation Underway

Haneda Airport Collision: Tragedy Strikes with Fatal Consequences

In a devastating incident that rocked Haneda Airport, a Japan Airlines passenger jet and a Japanese coast guard aircraft collided on the runway, resulting in a catastrophic explosion and subsequent fires. The aftermath left five crewmembers of the coast guard plane dead, while hundreds were evacuated from the scene.

Investigation and Eyewitness Accounts

The collision occurred upon the landing of Japan Airlines flight JAL-516 from Shin Chitose airport, and eyewitnesses described harrowing scenes of chaos and panic. Passengers reported feeling a sudden impact upon landing, followed by sparks and the cabin rapidly filling with gas and smoke. Social media footage displayed passengers sliding down emergency slides as flames engulfed the rear of the aircraft.

A passenger recounted, “The entire cabin was filled with smoke within a few minutes. We threw ourselves down on the floor. Then the emergency doors were opened, and we threw ourselves at them.”

Another individual mentioned the escalating fire inside the plane, expressing genuine fear for survival as the situation intensified.

Ongoing Investigations and Airport Closure

Transport Minister Tetsuo Saito confirmed the closure of Haneda Airport for investigative purposes. Authorities are diligently probing the causes behind this tragic collision, involving aviation safety investigators and the police. Efforts are underway to expedite the reopening of the airport while ensuring minimal disruption to relief operations and cargo deliveries, especially for regions affected by recent disasters.

Impact and Aftermath

The collision at Haneda Airport unfolded amidst heightened travel activities during the New Year holidays, amplifying the chaos and severity of the situation. This tragedy struck a day after a series of earthquakes devastated western Japan, compounding the challenges faced by the affected regions.


As the investigation continues, the Haneda Airport collision stands as a somber reminder of the unpredictable nature of air travel and the critical importance of aviation safety measures. The loss of lives and the traumatic experiences of those involved highlight the urgent need for comprehensive safety protocols to prevent such tragedies from recurring.

In this distressing time, our hearts go out to the families and loved ones of the victims, and we remain vigilant for further updates on the investigation’s findings.

Haneda Airport Collision: Tragedy Strikes with Fatal Consequences In a devastating incident that rocked Haneda Airport, a Japan Airlines passenger jet and a Japanese coast guard aircraft collided on the runway, resulting in a catastrophic explosion and subsequent fires. The aftermath left five crewmembers of the coast guard plane dead, while hundreds were evacuated from…

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