Error Using $this Outside Object Context

Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in CodeIgniter

The error you’re encountering, Using $this when not in object context, typically occurs when trying to use $this outside of an object context in PHP. In CodeIgniter’s view files, $this refers to the CodeIgniter instance, but sometimes it’s not directly accessible due to the view being a separate context.

To resolve this issue, you can pass data from your controller to the view and then use that data within the view.

Here’s an example of how you might modify your code:

In your controller:

// Example method within your controller
public function show_create_loan() {
    // Load necessary views and pass any data needed

And in your view (create_loan.php):

<body class="">
    <?php $this->load->view('loading_screen');?>
    <div class="wrapper ">

        <!-- Top NavBar -->
        <?php $this->load->view('navigation/sidebar');?>
        <!-- End of NavBar -->

        <div class="main-panel">

        <!-- Navbar -->
        <?php $this->load->view('navigation/topbar');?>
        <!-- End Navbar -->
        <!-- Rest of your HTML content -->

Make sure that the controller function you’re accessing is passing data to the view. This approach allows you to load the views from within the controller, which maintains the correct object context for $this to work appropriately.

Remember, the view should only be responsible for displaying data passed to it. All the logic and data manipulation should ideally be handled within the controller.

If the problem persists or if your usage differs significantly, please provide more context or the relevant parts of your controller in comment box, so We can assist you more accurately.

The error you’re encountering, Using $this when not in object context, typically occurs when trying to use $this outside of an object context in PHP. In CodeIgniter’s view files, $this refers to the CodeIgniter instance, but sometimes it’s not directly accessible due to the view being a separate context. To resolve this issue, you can…

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