19th Century Shipwreck Discovered in Lake Michigan

19th Century Shipwreck Found in Lake Michigan with Clues from Newspaper Clippings

The Michigan Shipwreck Research Association (MSRA) has made a groundbreaking discovery in Lake Michigan, uncovering an intact shipwreck that has remained hidden beneath the water’s surface for almost 140 years.

In a recent announcement on Facebook, the MSRA revealed the remarkable find of a steamship named Milwaukee, which sank in 1886 after colliding with another vessel. The ship, located 360 feet below the water’s surface and approximately 40 miles off the Holland, Mich. shoreline, was discovered with the help of historical newspaper clippings detailing the accident.

Image Credit: people.com

According to underwater explorer and historian Valerie van Heest, who developed the search grid, the absence of photographs led the research team to rely on accounts from newspapers of the time to pinpoint the ship’s location.

“The news accounts of the accident, along with the study of water currents, led us to the Milwaukee after only two days of searching,” explained Neel Zoss, who spotted the ship on sonar.

The discovery, made via a remote-operated vehicle (ROV) side-scan sonar in June 2023, was officially announced during the MSRA’s annual film festival, captivating an audience of over 300 attendees.

Describing the condition of the wreck, ROV pilot Jack van Heest remarked, “Visibility was excellent. We saw the forward mast still standing as the ROV headed down to the bottom.”

The Milwaukee, originally commissioned in 1868, served various purposes over the years, including transporting passengers and freight. However, following the Wall Street panic in 1873, the ship was repurposed for cargo transport, particularly lumber.

A decade later, the ship was acquired by Lyman Gates Mason, who modified it to maximize lumber transportation capacity. Unfortunately, the Milwaukee’s fate took a tragic turn on July 9, 1886, when it collided with another vessel, the Hickox, due to reduced visibility caused by nearby wildfires.

Despite the collision, all crew members safely boarded the Hickox before the Milwaukee sank to the lakebed. Fortunately, there were no fatalities, but both captains had their licenses temporarily revoked.

The discovery of the Milwaukee serves as a poignant reminder of the rich maritime history of Lake Michigan and the enduring legacy of those who sailed its waters during the 19th century.

The Michigan Shipwreck Research Association (MSRA) has made a groundbreaking discovery in Lake Michigan, uncovering an intact shipwreck that has remained hidden beneath the water’s surface for almost 140 years. In a recent announcement on Facebook, the MSRA revealed the remarkable find of a steamship named Milwaukee, which sank in 1886 after colliding with another…

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